terms & conditions


methods of payment, Unless you are commissioning me through fiverr, the only method of payment I take is through PayPal in USD. I take payments through 50/50, meaning that I need an initial payment of 50% of the cost of the whole commission when I send the initial sketch, and then the final 50% of the payment when I am done.


you have the rights ; to use this art for personal use, and to post it on your account. All I ask for is that you credit me as the artist who made the commissioned work on whatever posts you put it on.


amount of editing ; you are allowed to make as much changes during the time where I send the initial sketch, but anything after that is finalized.


any other terms ; please dm me on instagram or check my fiverr to check if I am available to do a commission before you plan on buying from me, I am a full time uni student and sometimes I don't have time between classes to finish a commission. you are not permitted to run any of my art through any form of AI generators. If there are any issues/emergencies I run into in my life and am unable to complete my commission, I will make sure to let you know and refund the 50% initial down payment back to you.

i do not draw

  • nsfw

  • any form of proship/comship

  • anything i deem to be hateful/harmful material

  • heavy gore

  • anthropomorphic characters

  • mecha/heavy armor

  • realism

i do draw

  • shipart

  • sfw art

  • humanoid ocs

  • blood

  • mostly female characters (can do male though, but i do struggle a little bit when drawing muscles so keep that in mind)

  • fanart

  • "anime-like" artstyle


full color$10 USD
added chara+$5 USD for each chara
background+5 USD

half body

full color$20
added chara+$5 USD for each chara
background+$5 USD

full body

full color$30 USD
added chara+$5 USD for each chara

about me ; Hello! I am Fazedical_ and I am an artist currently in university! I mainly draw oc's but I'm not opposed to doing fanart as well. My main area of art would be for anime/fandom oc's but I am willing to try other characters as long as they're in my comfort zone :) I mainly do my commissions as digital art as they're easier to send lol- I hope you have a good day! If you're not sure about my availability, please message me on instagram or check my availability status on Fiverr to see if I'm able to take a commission or not at the moment :)